Part I. Introduction and key concepts
Class 1: Introduction
Classes 2 & 3: Development
Part II. Explaining development
Class 4: Modernization theory
Class 5: Neoliberalism
Class 7: Geography
Class 9: Historical legacies 1–Colonialism
Class 10: Historical legacies 2–Dependency/underdevelopment theories
Class 11: Historical legacies 3–Institutions and institutionalism
Class 12: Explaining development
Part III. Political development
Class 13: States, state capacity, and the origins of capable states
Class 14: Developmental states
Classes 15 & 16: Seeing like a state–the developmental pitfalls of capable states
Class 17: Political regimes and their developmental performance
Class 18: Neopatrimonialism
Classes 19 & 20: Patterns of domination–state, society, and development
Class 21: The politics of collective identities and its developmental effects
Class 22: Political violence, conflict, and development
Part IV. What is to be done?
Class 24: Trade and migration
Class 25: Review